Black World

A train journey to the sea shore

Waiting in the crowd to climb aboard

The train arrives with jerks and breaks

Full of evil and good face

He gets a two inch space and sits

Crouching, his knees between knees he fits

And with people breathing each other’s breath

Bearing each other’s sweat.

The train goes on at a fast pace

Twisting about in its track maze.

Then in climbs a little beggar girl

A baby in her arms holding on to her

She walks between the hordes of legs

Begging and gaining scornful detest.

At him she smiles a ravishing smile

And eyes him with an innocent eye.

The baby in her arms dreaming away

Oblivious, yet, to life’s pains

Suddenly, the girl falls down, tripping on a bag

Black inside and out, a black bag

She kicked it right beneath his seat

And he realized, he realized it…

But then too late, everything ceased

Everything suddenly ceased to be

As a thousand travellers were thrown away,

Thrown away from life on that day

Blood and flesh all around

But nobody left to see

As people were left to die and be found

In the middle of the city.

The baby never saw life

But isn’t he lucky?

He never lived in this black world

With black bags, black minds

And black hearts

Yes he is lucky…

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